Benefits of Sauna bathing

At its best, the sauna calms the mind and a sense of well-being flows into the body. The sauna is a great place to both treat your health and pamper yourself.
It's true that sauna bathing has many health benefits - even research has shown that it's particularly beneficial for brain function. A little sweat hut moment is not enough to capture the health benefits, but it's worth taking a sauna four times a week. The ideal way to boost your health is to take a sauna at a temperature of around 80°C for about twenty minutes at a time in a calm atmosphere.
The health benefits of cold and hot alternation are also undeniable. Many open-air sauna activists argue passionately for benefits such as immunity and mood. The therapeutic effect of cold bathing can be further enhanced by combining cold bathing with breathing exercises.
Many people have become addicted to the relaxing and euphoric sensation created by the cold-hot alternation. When the mind calms down, you feel more content. All is well.
The warmth and peace of the sauna releases endorphins that produce a peaceful feeling of well-being. The mind calms down and the amount of deep sleep at night increases. Stressed people should therefore take time out for a soothing and beneficial sauna session. In times of stress nutritionist recommends trying reishi (ganoderma lucidum), or rose root, or some lovely tea - doesn't Happy Me tea sound great, for example?! Many Vitamin B's help to reduce fatigue and tiredness and promote normal mental functioning and psychological functioning. Valerian, ashwagandha and melatonin support good sleep.
The skin loves the effects of a sauna. The skin does not dry out as easily and people with psoriasis and many other skin conditions can benefit from sauna bathing. Sweating effectively removes impurities and bacteria from the skin. Dead skin is easily washed or brushed off during sauna bathing. After a sauna, the skin is very receptive to high-quality, nourishing creams.
- To support your skin's well-being, you can use supplements such as biotin, zinc and also remember good omegas taken internally," recommends Eijaliisa Koivu.

Musculoskeletal system
In the warmth of the sauna, tensions in both mind and body are eased and muscles relax. After a workout, a sauna is relaxing and can reduce the build-up of lactic acids. Don't forget to treat any neck and shoulder pain by gently stretching on the sauna benches. Taking a sauna can reduce pain for people with rheumatism or fibromyalgia. To help relieve cramps, you can put your feet in a washcloth with magnesium flakes dissolved in warm water. After bathing, you can rub magnesium cream or gel on the sore areas of the body. And take magnesium internally in a soothing bisglycinate or taurate form.
- Magnesium has countless functions in our bodies. In addition to normal muscle and nervous system function, it contributes to electrolyte balance and normal energy metabolism. Potassium also contributes to normal muscle function," our nutrition therapist explains.
Respiratory system
Taking a sauna can help asthmatics breathe and feel better. For example, adding a few drops of eucalyptus oil to the bath water can help relieve the symptoms of a runny nose and open up the nostrils.
- After a sauna, rubbing carmolis drops on the chest can help relieve respiratory symptoms. "Tulsi, which is familiar from Ayurveda, is also good for the respiratory system," Koivu recommends.
The sauna boosts your metabolism and sweating removes slags from your body. You can intensify it by exfoliating your body and brushing your skin. A purifying Epsom bath salt, for example in the form of a foot bath, intensifies body cleansing.
- If you're not really fasting, you can boost your internal cleansing with green powders or the juices in the fasting package. Fasting makes you feel cold, so a gentle sauna bath can be particularly beneficial.
- A good support for liver well-being is the use of Milk thistle. Sweating and increased metabolism are reminders of good hydration. Make sure you drink enough during and after your sauna session," advises Ruohonjuuri's nutritionist.
When we sweat, we lose electrolytes - salts and minerals that manage the body's electrical impulses. These include sodium chloride, potassium, calcium, magnesium and sodium bicarbonate. Koivu advises adding a little sea salt or Himalayan crystal salt to the water.
- A comprehensive mineral-rich drink is easily made from ready-made electrolyte powder.
Cardiovascular and circulatory system
Blood pressure can be lowered by taking a sauna when you relax properly. Blood circulation is stimulated and peripheral circulation improves. So if you suffer from cold feet or hands, a good sauna session can bring relief. Sauna bathing can also improve the elasticity of blood vessels.
- Garlic treats both stress and heart health, and potassium helps keep blood pressure normal. Gingko biloba, an extract of the gentian tree, promotes blood circulation, especially in the brain.
- A good evening snack after a sauna could be a salmon salad for good fats or, in the autumn season, a delicious mushroom pie. Snack on a small bowl of nuts, dark chocolate and dried fruit," says the nutritionist.