English Tea Shop

English Tea Shop

English Tea Shop

Unbelievably lovely, pampering, refreshing and invigorating teas that support your wellbeing with specific effects – brought to you by the English Tea Shop! English Tea Shop was born out of love for tea and the entire tea production chain: from pickers to packers, blenders and tea drinkers. Blended by the best tea masters in Sri Lanka, our teas have something to offer for every tea lover. Small-scale farming, organic farming, Fair Trade and sustainable development are the core values of English Tea Shop – so that the world would also be a good home for future generations.

English tea shop
Turmeric, Ginger & Lemongrass Tea, 35 g
3,25 € Regular price 4,25 € Sale price
English tea shop
Pure me detox tea, 30 g
3,25 € Regular price 4,25 € Sale price