Produced in Finland Label

The Produced in Finland Label (Good for Finland Mark, or The Swan Flag) is the origin mark for Finnish packaged food. The Produced in Finland Label indicates the product's high Finnish raw material content and Finnish work. The Produced in Finland Label is monitored through continuous product monitoring and company inspection visits. The Food Information Association (Ruokatieto Yhdistys ry) owns the Produced in Finland Label.
Criteria for The Produced in Finland Label:
If the packaging contains only one type of raw material, it must be 100% Finnish.
the final product is manufactured and packaged in Finland
In a multi-raw material product, 75 - 100% of the raw material is Finnish (the actual degree of domesticity of the raw materials is on average 95% of the product quantity)
Meat, fish, eggs, and milk as such and as part of other foods are always 100% Finnish
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